Jobs Queensland and Business Chamber Queensland‘s Workforce Planning Connect
equips you with the tools for building workforce planning capabilities in business.
Download the toolkit (PDF, 2 MB)
The Workforce Planning Connect toolkit is a comprehensive resource designed to support small and medium-sized enterprises through the workforce planning process. The toolkit can be used to develop a complete workforce plan or to address a specific workforce challenge, opportunity or need within a business.
Download the guide (PDF, 401 KB)
The Workforce Planning Connect guide is a short overview designed to introduce the concept and benefits of workforce planning to small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and outline the key stages involved.
Download the workbook (PDF, 991 KB)
The Workforce Planning Connect Workbook is a practical resource for micro business and small enterprises to build a workforce plan in full or to focus on key activities to support specific workforce needs.
Fact sheet 1: Workforce planning – a summary guide (PDF, 163 KB) provides an overview of the four stages of workforce planning.
Fact sheet 2: Calculating workforce turnover (PDF, 114 KB) will show you how to calculate your workforce turnover.
Checklist 1: Workforce planning inventory – Am I ready? (PDF, 115 KB) will assist you in determining whether you are ready to commence workforce planning in your business.
Template 1: Who should be involved? Stakeholder planning (Word, 172 KB) will assist you to identify who you should include in your workforce planning activities.
Template 2: Knowing your business and workforce (Word, 102 KB) will help you understand your business direction and workforce considerations.
Template 3: Current workforce data and profile (Word, 252 KB) will help you to capture the key data of your current workforce.
Template 4: Workforce supply, future demand and gap analysis (Excel, 28 KB) considers your current workforce supply against future demand and the resulting gap.
Template 5: Risk assessment worksheet (Word, 171 KB) will assist in identifying the risk to your business that a workforce gap presents.
Template 6: Detailed workforce plan (Word, 100 KB) will allow you to develop a detailed workforce plan for your business.
Template 7: Workforce action plan on a page (Word, 101 KB) will allow you to capture your workforce actions on one page.
Workforce Planning Connect Toolkit: A workforce planning toolkit for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Agriculture Industry (PDF, 1.21 MB) in partnership with Queensland Farmers’ Federation
Workforce Planning Connect Workbook: A practical guide for micro business and small enterprises in the Agriculture Industry (PDF, 2 MB) in partnership with Queensland Farmers’ Federation
Workforce Planning Connect Guide: An introduction to workforce planning for SMEs in the agriculture industry (PDF, 317 KB) in partnership with Queensland Farmers’ Federation
Workforce Planning Connect Workbook for the Disability Sector (PDF, 1.33 MB) in partnership with WorkAbility
Workforce Planning Connect Toolkit for the Disability Sector (PDF, 3.28 MB) in partnership with WorkAbility
Follow these links for more information to support you on your workforce planning journey.