About Us

What we do

As an independent voice to Government, Jobs Queensland is a conduit for communication and a vehicle for change. Together with its partners, Jobs Queensland works to shape a prosperous future for Queensland’s economy and society.

Jobs Queensland supports Queensland to maintain and develop a highly skilled and resilient workforce to meet future needs. It provides independent industry-led expert advice on future skills needs and future work for a future Queensland.

Chaired by Jim Varghese, the Jobs Queensland Board will help build and maintain strengthened collaborative relationships across Government, industry, regions and communities. JQ provides future focussed and Queensland specific perspective, data and insights.

Focus will be placed on supporting policy priorities relating to skilling, training and workforce planning in Queensland and maximise the reach and impact of JQ’s work across Queensland.

JQ is a key strategic partner in the delivery of the Good people. Good Jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 (QWS) and will continue to have a particular focus on informing the identification of priorities under the QWS and current and future Action Plans.


Jobs Queensland's functions

Jobs Queensland brings together industry, industry associations and peak bodies, regions, communities, employers and unions to:

  1. provide strategic advice on future skills needs, helping Government to prioritise its investment in vocational education and training
  2. offer strategic advice on apprenticeships and traineeships to build on their role as a key pathway to employment and a skilled workforce
  3. undertake workforce planning and development initiatives to advise on actions to achieve future skills and workforce needs
  4. be a source of quality, reliable data that can be used by all stakeholders
  5. be accessible to regions and communities and be responsive to critical concerns and opportunities
  6. proactively work across all levels of government to shape advice and priorities that will facilitate a cohesive and capable workforce for the future
  7. commission research into future industry needs to ensure Queensland’s workforce is skilled to meet the challenges ahead.

The Jobs Queensland Act 2015 outlines the functions of Jobs Queensland.

Jobs Queensland Act 2015

Jobs Queensland is a statutory entity, established under the Jobs Queensland Act 2015 (the Act), that is committed to:

  1. fostering a skilled and productive workforce for the changing economy, inclusive growth and jobs of the future
  2. strengthening Queensland’s vocational education and training (VET) system enabling Queensland
  3. industries and communities to strengthen skills, capabilities and resilience.
The Act establishes Jobs Queensland to provide strategic advice to government about:
  1. the skills it anticipates will be needed for particular industries and regional areas
  2. future workforce development and planning the apprenticeship and traineeship system in Queensland.
  3. the apprenticeship and traineeship system in Queensland.

Jobs Queensland’s advice to government is provided to the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development. Jobs Queensland undertakes research to support its work and consults with industry, regional, community and government stakeholders to inform their advice and increase awareness of its work among Queenslanders.

Jobs Queensland Secretariat Executive