Local Government Association of Queensland

Jobs Queensland (JQ) and Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) signed a statement of Intent in February 2024 to support Queensland’s regions by:

  • anticipating future skills needs in Queensland regions
  • building the workforce planning capability of businesses in regions.
  • supporting regions to build their workforce planning capability.

The activities underway are expected to be completed by late June 2025.

Anticipating future skills needs in Queensland regions

Through this project, Jobs Queensland and Local Government Association of Queensland will increase engagement and understanding of the Anticipating Future Skills data series through joint promotional campaigns and co-hosting virtual meetings of local government representatives to support the testing and validation process of AFS data.

Build the workforce planning capability of businesses in regions

Leveraging Jobs Queensland’s free Workforce Planning Connect tools and resources, JQ and LGAQ aim to jointly support the business ecosystems throughout Queensland by building the value proposition for workforce planning amongst small and medium enterprises (SMEs) via promotional activity to highlight the benefits of workforce planning to local government.

Through a partnership with the University of Sunshine Coast (UniSC), a free Workforce Planning for Business micro-credential is open for enrolment for Queensland registered organisations.

Being delivered online and in four Queensland regions the course is designed to help Queensland business owners and managers fully understand their own workforce. During 2024, the micro-credential is being expanded and will have two target audiences:

  1. small to medium sized enterprises
  2. HR professionals and individuals who support SMEs (including local government employees)

Further information and to enrol on the UniSC website.

Supporting regions to build their workforce planning capability

Investing in developing a skilled workforce is an essential driver to regional economic growth. The Workforce planning for regions guide (PDF, 2MB) has been developed for people involved with workforce planning at a regional level. JQ is currently working with LGAQ to develop templates to enhance the guide.

Through Jobs Queensland’s partnership with UniSC a Workforce Planning for Regions micro-credential is also being developed through 2024. This specialised course is designed to assist with the process of developing a regional workforce plan. This approach may be informed by regional economic development strategies. Regional Jobs Committees and Local Government Economic Development teams are encouraged to register on the UniSC website.

Further Information

For further information on this project, please contact Local Government Association of Queensland:

N: Elle Ackland

P: 3000 2249

E: workforce@lgaq.asn.au