Advancing Manufacturing Skills project
In 2017, Jobs Queensland worked in consultation with the manufacturing industry to develop a skills, training and workforce development strategy with the aim of advancing manufacturing in Queensland.
The Advancing Manufacturing Skills: A Skills, Training and Workforce Development Strategy for the Advanced Manufacturing Industry in Queensland (PDF, 2.54 MB) (the Strategy) was released in 2018, which brought together the input provided by industry, industry associations and peak bodies, regions, communities, employers, unions and other key stakeholders for the project.
The strategy also supported the Queensland Government’s Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan.
Since then, additional research has been conducted to review the Strategy, as well as explore how Queensland manufacturers have progressed against the key priority action areas (PAAs) outlined in the Strategy.
To inform a review of the Advancing Manufacturing Skills Strategy, Jobs Queensland engaged researchers from the Australian Cobotics Centre (ACC) to explore the progress against the key PAAs. In addition, two case studies were developed to illustrate that progress.
Advancing manufacturing: Exploring the human element of the journey presents the key findings from those two case studies and supporting data from a series of sector stakeholder consultations. The report illustrates the opportunities and challenges faced by manufacturing organisations in Queensland as they progress toward Industry 4.0, with a focus on the people in the frontline of the change.
Read the Advancing Manufacturing: Exploring the Human Element of the Journey Key Findings Report
(PDF, 797 KB)
Read the Advancing Manufacturing Key Findings Report Summary
(PDF, 158 KB)
The case studies provide exemplars for addressing four key PAAs identified in the Advancing Manufacturing Skills Strategy.
Read the Watkins Steel-holovision Case Study
(PDF, 748 KB)
Read The B&R Enclosure Case Study
(PDF, 1 MB)
In 2021, a review of the Strategy was undertaken to support the establishment of Manufacturing Skills Queensland (MSQ).
The purpose of the review was to evaluate the relevance of the Strategy’s ten priority action areas (PAAs) in today’s economic climate, and to provide the new entity with an evidence base for future advice.
The review found that all ten PAAs remain relevant and could be grouped into three focus areas:
- Focus area 1: Building the talent pipeline
- Focus area 2: Managing change
- Focus area 3: Growing the industry.
Read the Advancing Manufacturing Skills Strategy Review Report
(PDF, 595 KB)
Read the Advancing Manufacturing Skills Strategy Review Summary
(PDF, 178 KB)