Future work, future jobs


Jobs Queensland is exploring what future work could look like in 2030 for Queenslanders and our economy.

We have heard from industries, communities and academics that work, industries and skills are changing, and we need to be preparing so we have an adaptable workforce in our state.

There has also been significant media attention on future work as we move further into the 21st century, with much reporting focused largely on technological impacts.

Over the last three years and through extensive research, stakeholder consultation and engagement (PDF, 1.2MB), we have delivered a number of research pieces and reports examining issues which will be important as we prepare Queensland for the future of work


Future work, future jobs builds upon an extensive literature review to outline key findings and recommendations relevant to future work in Queensland.

Five themes emerged from the report, which shaped the18 recommendations that the Queensland Government announced has all been accepted.

Shared priority, purpose and responsibility towards a positive vision for skills and employment will underpin our future prosperity.