The Queensland Government is now in caretaker mode until after the state election. Minimal updates will be made to this site until after the election results are declared.

Regional Engagement

In delivering its work, Jobs Queensland proactively engages with stakeholders across Queensland to ensure its intelligence and advice is reflective of the differing needs and requirements of the state’s varied industries and communities.

We engage to inform our projects and strengthen strategic relationships. We aim to consult with the diverse range of stakeholders involved in skills and workforce development, including large employers, small and medium sized businesses, peak bodies, industry associations, community organisations, local governments, employee representatives, regional economic development bodies and education and training providers. Jobs Queensland is also closely connected to the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training regional network.

The Jobs Queensland Board is committed to ongoing regional engagement and visiting regional communities on a regular basis.

Below is a summary of our recent in-person regional engagements. In addition to these, we also use digital and online platforms to allow stakeholders in regional and remote areas to participate and contribute to our work.

For more information on Jobs Queensland’s regional engagement activities, please email


The Jobs Queensland Board conducted a range of engagement activities across the Ipswich region to gain a greater understanding of the priority skills and workforce matters for the region.

As part of the Board’s March meeting, representatives from Ipswich City Council and Ipswich Region Chamber of Commerce shared their insights around the economic development and small business goals for Ipswich.

An online engagement with members of the Ipswich Community Services sector was also conducted. Health Care and Social Assistance is the fastest growing industry in the region and the discussion centred on the workforce experiences and challenges faced by employers in the region and the opportunities available to strengthen the sector.

Key themes from the discussion, included:

  • Recruitment and attraction of candidates who are qualified/experienced to fill vacant roles in the sector
  • The level of training and skill sets required of the new and existing workforce
  • Opportunities to retain staff for the industry
  • Building career paths and skill development to take people front entry-level positions into areas of specialisation or supervisory roles
  • Identifying existing partnerships and networks to tap into for skills and knowledge.

As a follow-on from its previous work with the manufacturing industry in Ipswich, the Board visited local advanced manufacturer Protonautics to learn more about the development of the local advanced manufacturing sector and the work Protonautics does to support production services for the defence, aviation, electronics, law enforcement and medical sectors.


During December 2020, the Jobs Queensland Board undertook a regional engagement in Cairns and Port Douglas to gain a better understanding of skills and training implications of the COVID pandemic on the tourism, education and training, and health care and social assistance sectors as well as small businesses operating in the region.

Find out more about this engagement.



In February 2020, more than 150 local leaders connected with Jobs Queensland at the event Exploring Central Queensland’s future workforce in Rockhampton for a live discussion on the opportunities and challenges facing Central Queensland’s workforce.

Find out more about this engagement.



Jobs Queensland joined Regional Development Australia – Darling Downs South West and Toowoomba Regional Council for Exploring Toowoomba’s Bold Ambitions. The event focused on how local stakeholders can drive workforce planning that supports regional economic development.

Find out more about this engagement.

Regional engagement - Toowoomba


Embracing our future: Building Queensland’s workforce celebrated the pivotal role of our stakeholders and demonstrated how businesses, industries and regions are utilising Jobs Queensland’s research and data in practical ways to support workforce planning and skills development.

Find out more about this engagement.



Led by Jobs Queensland’s The Future of Work in 2030 – Evolution or revolution? discussion papera Future of Work industry forum was hosted with peak bodies and industry representative organisations to shape a vision for skills and employment in 2030, and the pathways to achieve this vision.

Find out more about this engagement.



The Jobs Queensland Board visited locations across Central West Queensland, including Barcaldine, Blackall and Longreach, from 3-5 July 2018 to learn firsthand about the skills and workforce opportunities and challenges facing the region and its key industries, which centred around the ongoing drought and the availability of skilled and semi-skilled labour.

Find out more about this engagement.



The Jobs Queensland Board hosted an industry workforce breakfast on 6 April in Townsville, with a focus on building relationships and creating a strong platform for Jobs Queensland’s place-based and future-focused work in the region.

Find out more about this engagement.
