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Ministers appoint Queensland’s newest Young Tourism Leaders

Tourism Industry Development Minister Kate Jones and Training Minister Shannon Fentiman today appointed Queensland’s 20 new Young Tourism Leaders and officially launched an Instagram site to promote tourism job opportunities for young people.

Ms Jones said the Young Tourism Leaders program, now in its second year, was about inspiring young people to pursue a career in tourism in Queensland.

“Tourism is one of Queensland’s fastest growing industries. It’s vital that we inject new blood into our tourism sector to ensure we’re coming up with innovative new ways to lure visitors who stay longer and spend more in our state,” she said.

“This year we’ve appointed 20 Young Tourism Leaders to create more jobs for young people in our tourism industry.

“I’m also proud to launch our YTL Instagram site, developed to be the go-to site for young people looking for careers in tourism in Queensland.

“We will be working with some of Queensland’s biggest tourism organisations to promote job vacancies for young people.”

Minister for Employment, Small Business, Training and Skills Development Shannon Fentiman said the Young Tourism Leaders would engage with school, TAFE and university students across Queensland to encourage them to pursue careers in tourism.

“Our leaders have a vital role to inspire the next generation of Queenslanders to pursue a career in tourism and we want young people to know what a career in tourism can involve,” she said.

“There are careers for pilots, nurses, entertainers, accountants and policy advisors – all in tourism – there’s really something for everyone and every skill set.

“With strong growth in Queensland’s tourism industry, there’s never been a better time to work in this space.

“As part of Jobs Queensland’s Queensland Tourism Workforce Plan, promoting young tourism leaders is an important part of the strategy.

“Employment numbers show us that tourism is Queensland’s fifth top industry, with almost 220,000 people employed directly and indirectly in the sector.

“And as investment in the tourism industry continues to grow, it is forecast that more than 20,000 extra jobs will be needed in Queensland by 2020.”

Former Young Tourism Leader Brad Illich said he was proud of what he achieved as part of the inaugural YTL program.

Mr Illich founded NewBook, a cloud based online reservation and management system for the hospitality industry.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed inspiring young school leavers, sharing my journey about how my career began and I hope my knowledge will give them a head start when they pursue a career in the tourism industry,” he said.

“I’ve also been repaid 10-fold by participating in the Young Tourism Leaders program. Not only is it a great feeling to pay it forward, I’ve also made a lot of new industry connections.”

Queensland’s tourism industry is worth $25 billion and supports more than 220,000 jobs.

The Young Tourism Leaders Program is a key priority under ‘Advancing Tourism 2016-20’ – the Queensland Government’s plan to grow the industry and create tourism jobs.

The Young Tourism Leaders Instagram account launched today will feature industry and training updates for young people as well as job vacancies. It will also provide updates about when and where Young Tourism Leaders will present.

Last updated 12 April 2019