Supporting workforces during industry transition


Queensland industries, enterprises, individuals and regions all experience industry transition, a continual event in an industry’s lifecycle. Depending on their speed, magnitude and severity, industry transitions can have a variety of economic and social impacts on enterprises and their workforce in regions and communities.

The impact of industry transitions can be challenging, however industry transition can also be experienced positively by enterprises and individuals in situations where an industry grows rapidly or where there is industry renewal.

Jobs Queensland has delivered the Supporting workforces during industry transition: Key elements for success project to better understand the impacts of and strategies needed to support the workforce in industries undergoing transition.

The project was undertaken in two phases and delivered:

  1. The Supporting workforces during industry transition: Key elements for success literature review
  2. The Supporting workforces during industry transition: Key elements for success report.



The Supporting workforces during industry transition: Key elements for success report notes that industry transition is often incremental and can be planned for, but may be rapid, dynamic and unforeseen.

As industries transition, there may be significant opportunities for individuals, enterprises and communities, such as reskilling or upskilling opportunities for individuals; productivity efficiencies for enterprises; and economic growth for regions.

These opportunities need to be balanced with recognition that change brought about through transitions can, at times, be difficult for the individuals and communities involved. Appropriate support structures are key.

The key elements for success identified within the report provide guidance on how to best respond to future industry transitions and promote positive long-term outcomes for those affected.

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The Supporting workforces during industry transition: Key elements for success report was underpinned by a literature review.

This review of national and international literature aimed to investigate the impact of industry transition on the workforce and skills supply and demand with a focus on identifying key elements for successful transitions, and in doing so:

  • investigate the factors that need to be taken into account in providing an effective solution to the issues arising from industry transition
  • explore the role that skills training and re-training and employment-based initiatives play in mitigating the effects of industry restructuring on workers
  • examine the extent to which the transferability of existing skills to new jobs and industries is known to be occurring
  • gain a better understanding of the implications of industry transition for affected workforces in order to determine what workforces need to do to equip themselves to deal with or navigate industry transition.

The literature review identified eight key elements for success to support workforce during industry transition, as well as the need for ongoing evaluation and learning from experiences to inform future strategies.

(PDF, 453 KB)