The Queensland Government is now in caretaker mode until after the state election. Minimal updates will be made to this site until after the election results are declared.

Delivering for a future Queensland

In 2022-23, Jobs Queensland published 10 research reports and resources to support policy makers, regions and industry plan for the future of work in Queensland. All reports are available on our website.

This year, we co-designed and funded Queensland’s first workforce planning micro-credential. We have also provided more than $2 million to support innovative workforce planning solutions in the Health and Community servicesTimber, Marine, Aviation, Water, and Food and Beverage industries.

Jobs Queensland continues to be a leading source of evidence-based, outcomes-driven and forward-looking advice on Queensland’s skills and workforce issues at a regional, state and national level.

Check out a snapshot of our year in review below, and in our Annual Report here.

Workforce Planning microcredential

Jobs Queensland partnered with University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) to design a free workforce planning micro-credential course to help business owners and managers to fully understand their workforce and respond to changes in the business environment.

More than 200 enrolments were received for the two courses delivered in 2022-23.

The course content is based on Jobs Queensland’s Workforce Planning Connect tools and resources

Find out more:

Health and Community Services Workforce Development

Jobs Queensland has partnered with the Health and Community Services sectors to create and implement sector-led workforce development, attraction and retention strategies through the formation of the Queensland Care Consortium (QCC).

The QCC is a partnership between Jobs Queensland, CheckUP Australia, Community Services Industry Alliance (CSIA), Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) and The Services Union.

In 2022-23, more than $1 million in QCC funding was made available to support seven Health and Community Services sector stakeholders to design and implement sustainable place-based attraction, development and retention activities.

Find out more:

Digital skills to respond to changing workplace environments

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital transformation in business, including a rapid rise in distributed and hybrid workforces. This increased the digital skill shortages of workers across industries and exposed the need for increased digital skills development across Queensland businesses.

Jobs Queensland undertook a literature review to help identify strategies and activities undertaken by businesses to address digital skills issues, which was published in May 2023.

Business Chamber Queensland is now working with Queensland small business owners to validate Jobs Queensland’s research and identify some practical advice and best practice tips on how business owners can boost their digital skills.

Find out more:

Increase uptake of higher-level apprenticeships and traineeships

Jobs Queensland is partnering with industry to increase the uptake of higher-level apprenticeships and traineeships in industries where strong demand exists.

In 2023-23, Jobs Queensland undertook research and engagement activities to determine the demand for higher-level apprenticeships and traineeships, if they are meeting industry demand, and if there is potential scope to continue current or development new industry partnerships that drive greater uptake.

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Advancing Manufacturing in Queensland

A number of deliverables were published in 2022-23 under the Advancing Manufacturing Skills project.

Working with industry partners, a review of the 2018 Advancing Manufacturing Strategy was undertaken to explore how Queensland manufacturers have progressed against the key priority action areas, including post-COVID-19 considerations.

Published in November 2022, the report supported the establishment of Manufacturing Skills Queensland (MSQ) by providing an evidence base for future advice.

The Australian Cobotics Centre was engaged to develop case studies and a key findings report to complement this work. The Advancing manufacturing: Exploring the human element of the journey key findings report and case studies illustrated the opportunities and challenges faced by manufacturing organisations in Queensland as they progressed toward Industry 4.0, with a focus on the people in the frontline of changes.

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Strengthening Queensland’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) workforce

The final report in a series of three research reports was published in May 2023 as part of the multi-year NDIS Workforce Skills project.

The Strengthening Queensland’s NDIS Workforce 2022, developed in partnership with the CSIA, describes the research outcomes of the multi-year investigation of the workforce challenge and opportunities associated with the operation for the NDIS in Queensland. It also presents an overview of the key changes, impacts and challenges experienced with the rollout of the NDIS in Queensland over the 2019-2022 period.

Opportunities for industry and government to work together for a skilled NDIS workforce in the years ahead have been identified, along with suggested actions for industry to undertake for the upskilling, training and employment opportunities arising from NDIS funding.

Find out more:

Joshua Rayner
Executive Director

This article was featured in the December 2023 edition of our eNews. To read more and subscribe, click here.

Last updated 6 December 2023