Blueprint for Fraser Coast workforce
Jobs Queensland released a new workforce report this week outlining a range of strategies and measures to support jobs and economic development in the Fraser Coast.
Jobs Queensland Interim Chair Peter Henneken said The Fraser Coast Workforce Blueprint 2018 provides a platform for employers and industries in the region to develop and grow the Fraser Coast’s workforce.
“It is becoming increasingly important for regions across Queensland to plan, develop and invest in their workforces in the face of broad shifts in the economy,” Mr Henneken said.
“The Blueprint is putting the Fraser Coast and its key industries on the front foot as they respond to developments like technological change and increasing national and international competition.
“Jobs Queensland is focused on working with regional communities across Queensland to help them to be proactive in considering skills requirements of the future so they can capitalise on the opportunities from a changing economy.”
The Fraser Coast Workforce Blueprint 2018 is designed to address workforce challenges and outlines five recommended areas of training and employment focus, including educational pathways, entrepreneurship and digital literacy.
The Blueprint is focused on four key employing industries in the region: health, tourism, manufacturing and agriculture.
Mr Henneken said the Blueprint has been developed in consultation with local industry and guided by a local advisory group headed by business and community leaders.
“Every region in Queensland is different and a one-size-fits-all approach to workforce and skills development isn’t going to work across the state,” Mr Henneken said.
“We know the Fraser Coast has a unique population profile and faces challenges around youth unemployment and broader under-employment.
“Having local community leaders work with us to guide and own the recommendations will be critical to the success of the strategies outlined in the report.
“We are excited to hand the Blueprint over to Jobs Fraser Coast who will drive these local workforce solutions and innovations.
“I would like to thank Jobs Queensland Board Member Dr Scott Davis for leading the development of the Blueprint.”
The members of Jobs Fraser Coast are Scott Rowe (Regional Development Australia), Ana Rodger (TAFE Queensland), Graham Young (University of Sunshine Coast), Melinda Everett (National Disability Services), Darryl Stewart (Tiaro and District Chamber of Commerce), Lance Stone (Maryborough Chamber of Commerce), Sandra Holebrook (Hervey Bay Chamber of Commerce), Louise Knol (Fraser Coast Regional Council), Michelle Kennedy (Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service), Leticia Grigorieff (Jobs Queensland).
The Fraser Coast Workforce Blueprint 2018 is part of Jobs Queensland’s collaborative, place-based approach to workforce planning and development for Queensland.
Last updated 12 April 2019