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Supporting individuals in the transition to future work

This research focuses on the circumstances individuals take into consideration when faced with voluntary or involuntary career changes, and explores  barriers in work transitions and considers unique requirements needed to support priority cohorts.

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Lifelong learning

Lifelong learning: The foundation of future work describes a model for enabling and encouraging individuals to adopt a lifelong learning mindset and a rationale for industries and businesses to foster a learning culture in their workplace.

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Future work, future jobs

Jobs Queensland is researching future work and what it will mean for Queensland, including Future work, future jobs: Preparing Queensland for the evolution of work report, a social research project, Future of Work literature review, and Future of Work in Queensland to 2030 – Evolution or revolution? discussion paper.

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Anticipating Future Skills

The Anticipating Future Skills Series combines economic modelling with scenarios to produce employment projections for regions, industries, occupations and qualification levels.

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Future work for small business

Future work for small business: Skills, capabilities and potential examines the high-level skills and capability needs of Queensland small businesses and identifies ways these needs can be supported, particularly in a post-COVID-19 world and against a backdrop of significant shifts in the way businesses and individuals work.



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Supporting workforces during industry transition: Key elements for success

Jobs Queensland has delivered the Supporting workforces during industry transition: Key elements for success project to better understand the impacts of and strategies needed to support the workforce in industries undergoing transition.

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Future work social research

The social research project surveyed more than 2000 employers and workers, focusing on four key areas: technology adoption; working arrangements; skills and training; and future support.

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Housing and Homelessness Sector Environmental Scan

This environmental scan focuses on the workforce in the housing and homelessness services industry in Queensland. The focus is on the provision of non-government services for Queenslanders experiencing housing and homelessness issues. It provides insight into the workforce and the challenges facing the industry.

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Last updated 2 July 2024