Supporting Queensland’s Agriculture Industry

The Queensland Agriculture Industry Workforce Plan 2022-2027 will help attract, train and retain workers in Queensland’s agriculture industry over the next five years.

The workforce plan, developed in partnership with the Queensland Farmers’ Federation and in collaboration with the Rural Jobs and Skills Alliance, covers the current and emerging workforce needs of the grazing, horticulture, cropping and aquaculture agribusiness sectors.

Findings from an environmental scan and consultation with farmers, growers, workers and training providers has informed future facing strategies to respond to skills needs and shortages affecting the growth, profitability and productivity of Queensland’s ag sector.

The recent Queensland Agworkforce Summit featured discussion around the Queensland Agriculture Industry Workforce Plan 2022-2027 and attendees were asked for input to help guide the implementation of the plan.

To find out more, visit 

This article was featured in the August 2022 edition of our eNews. To read more and subscribe, click here.

Last updated 23 August 2022