Looking forward to 2023
In 2022-23, Jobs Queensland will deliver a number of projects under the Annual Work Program that support its strategic objectives of:
- fostering a skilled and productive workforce for the changing economy, inclusive growth and jobs of the future
- enabling Queensland industries and communities to strengthen skills, capabilities and resilience
- strengthening the state’s vocational education and training (VET) system.
Jobs Queensland is also a delivery partner of the Queensland Workforce Strategy and is the lead for the following deliverables:
- ‘Growing your own’ regional workforce – Partner with regions to develop workforce plans and initiatives to support ‘grown your own’ workforces and cross-sector skills development
- Health and community services workforce development – Partner with the health and community services sectors to create and implement sector-led workforce development, attraction and retention strategies
- Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan – Support the development of a Queensland Resources Industry Workforce Plan
- Increase uptake of higher-level apprenticeships and traineeships – Partner with industry to increase the uptake of higher-level apprenticeships and traineeships in industries where strong demand exists.
Find out more about our Annual Work Program at www.jobsqueensland.qld.gov.au/awp
This article was featured in the November 2022 edition of our eNews. To read more and subscribe, click here.
Last updated 24 November 2022